Fox Primary School 0207 727 7637

Developing a whole school approach to anti-racism: a case study (Part 1 and 2)

Online [Via Zoom] | Friday 4th November 2022

** Important note ** If you book fewer than 7 days in advance of this course OR you do not receive the pre-course information a week in advance, please email to ensure you can access the pre-course material.

Please email to register for 2025/26 programme

Course Details

These discursive facilitated zoom sessions will bring together teachers, school leaders and governors who are interested in developing a whole school approach to anti-racism.  It is designed for practitioners and leaders who are already committed to the work of anti-racism in schools, but are at the start of their journey.  The course will be split into two sessions, with the first focusing on staff development and the second focused on curriculum coverage for pupils.  It will explore realistic practical strategies and examples of actions taken within the Fox Federation, with case studies, our own reflections and sharing of lessons learnt.  Developing anti-racist practice is an ongoing process. Through honest discussion and reflection, we will support attendees to take their first steps on this journey.   

What it will include

Session 1: Staff Development

  • The aims and principles of anti-racism work
  • Approaches to staff development
  • Considerations when running anti-racism sessions
  • Stakeholder voice
  • Case studies of programmes  of staff development, including teachers, leaders and governors 
  • Lessons learnt and reflections for the future

Session 2: Curriculum and Pupils

  • The aims and principles of anti-racism work with pupils and in the curriculum
  • Explicit teaching of anti-racism principles: a case study of progression in content from EYFS to KS2
  • The importance of pupil and community voice
  • A case study of curriculum planning for Black History Month that focuses on progression in knowledge and skills, complementing the wider curriculum
  • The principles of an inclusive curriculum
  • A case study of lessons and units developed to be inclusive and anti-racist   
  • Lessons learnt and reflections 

What you can take home

An action plan of how to begin or continue your own anti-racism journey within the school context 

Curriculum materials and exemplification for specific anti-racism lessons for pupils

Sample lessons within the primary curriculum, adapted to ensure they are inclusive and anti-racist

Collation of suggested resources, reading and viewing to support you on your ongoing journey