Fox Primary School 0207 727 7637

Theory and Practice: Observation day KS1

Fox Primary School | Tuesday 2nd July 2024

** Important note ** If you book fewer than 7 days in advance of this course OR you do not receive the pre-course information a week in advance, please email to ensure you can access the pre-course material.

Please email to register for 2025/26 programme

Course Details

ECTs will be able to observe English, Maths and Foundation lessons in which the subject knowledge and pedagogical approaches covered in the Early Career Framework CPD sessions are applied. The observations will be followed by lesson analysis and Q and A session with year group teachers. Participants will review how the ECF ‘learn how to’ statements have been exemplified in the lessons observed – as well as having an opportunity to reflect on experiences with other ECTs and ask questions of experienced teachers working in their year groups.