Fox Primary School 0207 727 7637


How to book:

This page allows you to book one delegate at a time. Select the course(s) you wish to book for them.

You’ll be able to enter details for invoice at the next step of registration. Revisit this page to register further delegates.

** Important note ** If you have booked fewer than 7 days in advance of the named course OR you do not receive the pre-course information a week in advance, please email to ensure you can access the pre-course material.

Make a booking

Details Price Qty
1. Working with Adults: Managing support staff and developing relationships with Parents [Wed 18 Sep]view details + £115.00 (GBP)  
2. Progression in Writing: Grammar in KS1 (KS1 Writing Part 1) [Tue 1 Oct]view details + £95.00 (GBP)  
3. Lesson Design in Mathematics: teaching for Mastery (KS1 Maths Part 1) [Tue 15 Oct]view details + £95.00 (GBP)  
4. Developing Reading in KS1: Supporting Early readers, Group reading and Lesson Structure (KS1 Reading Part 1) [Wed 13 Nov]view details + £95.00 (GBP)  
5. Effective teaching of Debate KS1-KS2 [Tue 26 Nov]view details + £115.00 (GBP)  
6. The Writing Process: Planning, Shared Writing and Editing (KS1&KS2 Writing Part 2) [Tue 10 Dec]view details + £95.00 (GBP)  
7. Effective Teaching of Phonics for Reading and Spelling [Tue 14 Jan]view details + £95.00 (GBP)  
8. Lesson Design in Mathematics: use of representations to support mathematical understanding (KS1 Maths Part 2) [Tue 28 Jan]view details + £95.00 (GBP)  
9. Developing Reading in the EYFS & KS1: Questioning, Vocabulary, Promoting a love of reading and Text Selection (EYFS & KS1 Reading Part 2) [Thu 6 Feb]view details + £95.00 (GBP)  
10. Adaptive Teaching: English as an Additional Language (EYFS&KS1) [Tue 4 Mar]view details + £95.00 (GBP)  
11. Progression in mathematics – a focus on number bonds, addition and subtraction (KS1 Maths Part 3 [Tue 18 Mar]view details + £95.00 (GBP)  
12. Theory and Practice: Observation day KS1 [Tue 25 Mar]view details + £95.00 (GBP)  
13. Adaptive teaching: Supporting children with Trauma [Tue 29 Apr]view details + £95.00 (GBP)  
14. Adaptive Teaching: SEND – whole class approaches, dyslexia and autism (EYFS&KS1) [Thu 15 May]view details + £95.00 (GBP)  
15. Effective Teaching of Science [Wed 11 Jun]view details + £95.00 (GBP)  
16. Effective Teaching of Humanities [Wed 25 Jun]view details + £95.00 (GBP)  
17. Physical Education in Primary School [Tue 1 Jul]view details + £95.00 (GBP)